Prega News Pregnancy Test Kit Details

What is Prega News? Prega News is one of the best pregnancy test kits especially used in India. It helps a woman to check whether she is pregnant or not in a comfortable way. You can use this at any time of the day. But keep in mind that urine is stored for at least 3-4 hours. Then you will get the accurate result within 5 minutes.

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Uses of Prega News

It helps to be sure about the pregnancy of a woman without going to any diagnostic center.


Honey Sponsored
  • It tests for the pregnancy through a hormonal change in the body
  • It provides 99% accurate results
  • Contains silica gel to absorb moisture for better testing.

Also Read: Emergency Pill

How to Use Prega News Pregnancy Kit?

Follow the guidelines before using this pregnancy kit at home. At first, be quiet and calm. Because anxiety during pregnancy tests is a common thing among the users.

  1. Be confirmed about urine. It should be early morning urine or urine stored at least for 3 to 4 hours.
  2. Take some specimens in the drop given with the Prega News pack.
  3. Keep the pregnancy test device steady with your hand.
  4. Put three drops of urine or specimens in the sample well.
  5. Wait for 5 minutes and get an accurate result.

For better instruction, you can take a look at the given image.


There are three results in this device. If positive, then two pink bands will appear on this kit. If negative then one pink band will appear. If invalid, then one line will be dark and another will be light. The user should use this the next day with a new kit.

Tips for using Prega News Pregnancy Kit

  • If you have a regular period, then test your pregnancy after 10 days of the missing period date.
  • Buy at least two kits. Because sometimes, the first kit may be invalid because of the faults of the user.
  • If you got positive results, then go to a doctor quickly.
  • If you got negative results, then do the test 3 or 4 times to be confirmed.
  • The most common symptoms of pregnancy are missed periods, tender and swollen breasts, nausea with or without vomiting, increased urination, and fatigue.
  • Try not to use the prega news kit at night. The best time to use is early morning.
  • Prega News Pregnancy Kit gives accurate results of 99%.


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