Coral Condom Uses Price in Bangladesh


Never use oil-based lubricants such as petroleum jelly (Vaseline), baby oil, mineral oil, or hand creams, since these will damage the Coral Condom. Use only water-based lubricants. Coral condoms are recommended for vaginal use. Other forms of usage may affect the effectiveness of condoms. Apply extra lubricant in case of non-vaginal use. If you or your partner are using any medication in the genital area, please consult a doctor or pharmacist for advice on the compatibility of condom use. The use of Coral. condoms are contraindicated for users who may be allergic to natural latex or lubricants. Coral condoms are very effective contraceptives, However, no condoms including Coral “condoms can provide 100% protection against HIV, STIs & pregnancy.

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Coral Condom

Dotted Extra Time Lubricated Natural Latex Condom – Single Pack – 3 x 1 = 3 pcs

Honey Sponsored
  • Product: Condom
  • Brand: Coral
  • Type: Dotted
  • Quantity: 3 Pcs in 1 Packet
  • Length: 180 mm
  • Width: 53 mm +/- 2 mm
  • Country of Origin: Malaysia



MRP- 30 taka


Each Coral “condom is manufactured from the highest quality natural latex. It is checked along every part of our manufacturing process to conform to the ISO 4074 and EN 600 International Standards. Each Coral condom is then electronically tested for pin-in holes and lubricated.



1. Tear the foil carefully to avoid damaging the condom

2. Place the condom on the erect penis before any sexual contact is made Make sure the condom is placed the right way up before unrolling it on the penis. if the condom doesn’t unroll, discard it and use a new one.

3. Squeeze the tip (reservoir end) of the condom between the thumb and forefinger to make sure no air is trapped inside, which can cause the condom to break Then gently unroll the condom over the full length of the penis

4. Withdraw the penis soon after ejaculation while holding the condom firmly at the base. This is to avoid any semen spills

5. Dispose of used condoms properly in a rubbish bin, not in the toilet. Wash hands and genital areas after intercourse. Always use o new condom before any intercourse.


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