
Novotin 1000 mcg Capsule

Also Available :5000 mcg

Uses of Novotin

Novotin 1000 mcg is an essential vitamin for the human body known as H. It is also called vitamin B or vitamin B-7. It is indicated for hair fall, weak, soft and fragile nails, eczema and skin diseases. In addition to these, It helps in the metabolic process of fat, carbohydrates and acids in the human body. Biotin plays important role in protecting the health of the human brain and maintaining mental balance. 

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Novotin is involved in a variety of physiological functions, like amino acid catabolism, fatty acid synthesis, and gluconeogenesis. It affects the growth and differentiation of epidermal cells that are related to the formation of hair, skin and nails. Biotin acts as an enzyme for the mitochondrial carboxylases present at the base of human hair and helps to improve the structure of keratin. And for the same reason, if there is a lack of Novotin, hair fall and the fragility of the nails, as well as dermatitis and aciduria, are appeared. So It is a widely used medicine in the treatment of nails and skin including hair fall.

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Dosage and Administration

Novotin 1000 mcg dosage may vary depending on the disease and age.

  • Adult patients are usually prescribed one to three tablets/capsules per day.
  • In the case of children, Novotin deficiency problems often occur early or within two years of age, such as convulsions, senseless, shortness of breath, etc. In these cases, 5 to 10 tablets/capsules can be used daily making powder and mixed with water or fruit juice.

However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before taking Novotin 1000 mcg.


  • 0-6 months: 5 mcg daily
  • 7-12 months: 6 mcg daily


  • 1-3 years: 8 mcg daily
  • 4-8 years: 12 mcg daily

Males and Females:

  • 9-13 years: 20 mcg daily
  • 14-18 years: 25 mcg daily
  • ≥19 years: 30 mcg daily

Pregnancy: 30 mcg daily

 Lactation: 35 mcg daily


Novotin Price in Bangladesh

Unit Price: 20.00 (30’s pack: ৳ 600.00)



Excessive consumption of raw egg whites reduces the body’s absorption of Biotin. Moreover, the use of antibiotics in the treatment of various diseases reduces the production of Novotin caused by microorganisms present in the colon. And the only Novotin 1000 mcg reducing drug in human blood plasma is anticonvulsant medicine.



It is contraindicated in those who are hypersensitive to Novotin.


Side Effects of Novotin

There are usually no serious side effects after taking Biotin in moderate doses. In addition, a maximum of 200 mg orally and up to 20 mg intravenously has not been reported.


Pregnancy and Lactation

No specific guidelines or instructions for using Novotin during pregnancy and lactation were found.



Store Novotin in a cool, dry place away from light and humid weather. Also keep all kinds of medicines out of the reach of children.